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Popular Business Jet Destination of Summer 2017


With September approaching its end we wanted to look back at the warm summer months. 
Business flights usually decrease and private flights usually increase during the summer. But there are still destinations that were more popular this summer and we decided to share them with you.

Greek Islands

The country’s economic challenges may have puched Greece down on the list of most desired summer destinations, but in 2017 the winds started blowing in a different direction.

Thessaloniki, Santorini, Kefalonia and Mykonos were some of the hottest destinations.

Italian Cties

Italy is constantly popular in the summer, including its beautiful island of Sardinia.

But this year there has been an increased demand for certain destinations, such as Naples and Catania. Another popular region this year was the Cinque Terre, with clients arriving in Pisa or Genoa, then flying to Manarola by helicopter.

ItaИталия всегда была одним из самых популярных направлений летнего сезона, включая ее прекрасный остров Сардиния, излюбленный любителями роскошного и качественного отдыха.

Но в этом году наблюдался повышенный спрос и на другие направления, такие как Неаполь и Катания на острове Сицилия.

Еще одним модным направлением оказалось область Чинкве-Терре, находящейся на территории восточной части так называемой Итальянской Ривьеры. Чтобы добраться сюда, пассажиры прилетали в такие крупные города как Пиза или Геноа и перелетали на вертолете в Манаролу.


Croatia has been gaining popularity among travellers, especially Split. It is loved for its beaches, culture and history and sailing opportunities. 

South of France

South of France has always been among the top summer destinations for private jet travellers. Nice usually takes in the most flights and this year has been no different. 

What is new is the trend of increased helicopter travel in the region. Due to higher road traffic many passengers prefer to commute by helicopter between such places as St. Tropez, Monaco, Cannes and Nice. 

Where did you spend your vacation this year? Or may be you have plans to prolong your summer and fly out? Share it with us in comments to this post on our Facebook page.